Monday 20 January 2014

Best Tip and Trick Find CommentLuv / KeywordLuv Enabled Blogs for Commenting

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Find KeywordLuv Enabled Blogs
Blog commenting is the best and safe way to get high quality dofollow backlinks instantly. It not only helps in link building but also help to increase blog traffic and readers. Many newbie bloggers tired of locating KeywordLuv and CommentLuv enabled blogs to insert desired links to increase number of quality backlinks. In one of my previous article on "Tips To Build Quality Backlinks For Blog" I shared a trick to manually search CommentLuv and KeywordLuv enabled blogs. But today I came with an interesting online tool that will make your task easier. Now you will be able to search those blogs easily where you can leave comments to gain backlinks. Let's discuss about that online tool and take a look how to use it.

Finding CommentLuv and KeywordLuv Enabled Blogs

There are two websites that we will use today to learn how to find dofollow blogs for commenting. They are and and both are almost same. You can use anyone to start your work. Let see how to use them.
  1. Go to

  2. Now you will see two options first is for Keyword and second one is Find where you select which type of blogs you want to search.

  3. keywordluv blogs

  4. Now type your keyword and choose Keywordluv Blogs from the drop down menu.

  5. Best Tip and Trick Find CommentLuv / KeywordLuv Enabled Blogs for Commenting
  6. Now click on Search button that will open a Google search page in new tab like below.

  7. CommentLuv enabled blogs
  8. You can notice Enter YourName@YourKeywords in the above image in each result. That means those blogs are KeywordLuv Enabled.

  9. Open those blogs and start commenting.

  10. You can find CommentLuv enabled blogs using same method.

  11. That's it.
  • Must Check: How to Check Keywords Ranking on Google?


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