Wednesday 18 December 2013

This Xmas Building Links With your Staff

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This Xmas Building Links With your Staff

There has been much said about building links this year and we thought it would be a good idea to give you a quick and simple technique to help your search engine optimization process and give your staff a Xmas present. You are a great boss after all!

Simply ask all your staff who has a blog and ask your staff if they would consider placing a footer link in their blog that is keyword rich to your site. In return every year you will pay for the hosting fees for their blog on their own domain, if they are not hosting on their own domain name offer to pay for the domain name registration as well. This could make a great little Xmas present to your staff every year, but it is best get them something else as well!

You should make it perfectly clear that the ownership of the blog is 100% theirs regardless of the hosting or domain name fees you will pay. Offer to sign a contract stating that you (your business) are not entitled to ownership of the blog or part there of regardless of the fees that are being paid. This may help them be comfortable with the idea.

One Step Further
After you have set up an army of bloggers within your business offer to allocate a set amount of time each week for them to blog during work hours. See some of the possible benefits below of implementing this.

You will be cool boss because:
  • you give your staff time to blog during work, saves them time after work as well.
  • gives them a break from their everyday task
  • re stimulates the minds of your employees and generates creativity
  • employees are happier creating a happier working environment
  • creativity in employees flows over into the work place increasing productivity and enthusiasm for their job and work place
  • Customers have a better experience with your employees because they are happier
  • YOU BUILD KEYWORD RICH LINKS that help your online marketing campaigns.

Advanced Option
If your staff are willing to do this it would be very beneficial to your search rankings.
When adding the keyword links to your employees blogs, change the location of the H1 HTML tags on the blog template and the individual page template to be surrounding the keyword link to the business site in the footer. You will need to change the CSS for the H1 tag so the links blends in and is not RIGHT IN YOUR FACE!

If you end up with a few bloggers for your cause, it would be a good idea to allocate pages for certain employees to link to.
For example, Blogger Employee 1 links to home page, Blogger Employee 2 links to sub page 1, Blogger Employee 3 links to sub page 2 etc.

 By Bradley J Davis


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