Monday 9 December 2013

E Style Free Blogger Premium Template with Premium Template Features

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Best E Style Free Blogger Premium Template with Premium Template Features. This is a PSD template Actually designed by and i Converted to Blogger Template with great features. I usually takes 5-6 Hrs time to convert any template to Blogger template. but this template i taken almost TWO days time to convert it. because i focused on each and every small elements and Designed it specially.

E Style Layout

Download E Style Blogger Template

The main Features of E Style Blogger Template

  • 2 Column
  • Right Sidebar
  • White and Black Colors
  • Top Navigation Menu
  • Social Subscriptions Icons
  • Stylish Custom search bar
  • Jquery Main Navigation Animated Drop Down Menu
  • Image Slider with Content & Thumbnail
  • Auto Post Summaries with Images
  • Social Bookmarking Widget Installed
  • Related Posts Widget Installed
  • Custom Designed Popular Posts Widget
  • Custom Designed Follow by Email Widget
  • Stunning Comments Section
  • Auto Highlighted Author Comments
  • Twitter Stream at Footer
  • Animated Go to Top Button with Jquery
  • 4 Column Footer Section

E Style Blogger Template Instructions

For more information on how to Upload/Use the template check out this Instructions Page.

Customize the Main Menu

Go to Blogger Dashboard -> Design tab -> Edit HTML
Click on Expand Template Widgets checkbox
Search for the Following Code
<!-- Main Menu -->
After that you will see a Link list items Customize it your own

Customize the RSS, Twitter and Facebook Urls

Search for the Following Codes in Respect of the Change the URLs of the RSS, Twitter and Facebook.
<!-- RSS URL -->
<!-- Twitter URL -->
<!-- Facebook URL -->

Customize the Image Slider

i added the comment to each image element
Search for the following tag to change the Image Element
<!-- Image Element -->
Search for the following tag to change the Image Element Thumbnail
<!-- Image Element Thumb -->
Only Four Image Elements to be added to the slider.

Customize the Twitter Stream

Search for the Following Code and Change the makemoneyfreewithus
to your twitter User name.
<script src=' 

callback=twitterCallback2&count=1' type='text/javascript'/>

Terms and Conditions

You can Use this Template for Personal and Commercial Use.
You must keep the Footer links Intact.
You have no Permission to Re-Distribute the Template any where!
If you like the Template then Please Feel free to Share it! and leave your Comments.


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