Friday 12 July 2013

Make Money With A Blog

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Make Money With A Blog

Here I discuss how you could make money with a blog by taking advantage of the special place that blogs have in the market place. As the general public become ever more computer savvy it is essential to adopt the right approach to monetizing a blog.

Definition of a blog.
Although a blog is a website it is perceived by the majority of the public as being fundamentally different. That difference is a hang over from the days when most blogs were set up as non commercial creations. They existed as a platform for individuals and groups to air their views, rants, beliefs and passions. A sort of online soap box.

Blogs are still used as I have described but the format has been increasingly exploited financially. It began with advertisers paying blog owners to display their ads, if the subject matter of your blog is travel then ads for flights and hotels might be very effective. In this instance the monetization is of a passive nature. As long as the advertisement is displayed then you, the site owner, gets paid, some blogs generate a substantial income in this way.

A blog designed to make money.
As blogs are still mainly regarded as benign creations and not as commercial enterprises this leads to the second method of how to make money with a blog. In this approach you would set up the blog with the express purpose of making money, at some point.

Turning a new blog into a sales page just doesn't work. To begin with the web surfer will never have heard of you so the likelihood of them trusting you to the extent that they will part with their money for whatever it is you are selling isn't great. This is entirely the wrong approach. People will rarely buy from any site, on their first visit, unless they know and trust the site owners and they know precisely what it is they are looking for.

How to run your new creation.
Your new blog should concentrate on offering original, relevant content tightly focused on the subject matter of the site. This content must be added to frequently, every day if possible, in order for you to gain the trust of the blog visitor and to sustain their interest. The blog should become a 'go to' source of top quality material on the highly defined topic that the blog is all about.

I would suggest that the best way of beginning the sales process is to offer a free report or video course covering a relevant aspect of the blog's niche in return for the visitors name and email address. This has the two fold effect of giving your prospect a free, valuable gift while, at the same time, you add their details to your customer list.

Build a relationship.
You can now begin the process of contacting everyone on your list via email. To begin with you should concentrate on giving away more useful information in a friendly manner, write as you speak. This is all about creating a relationship. Eventually you would make a suggestion along the lines of, 'If you want more information about this then it would be a good idea to check this out'.

By this stage they are being invited to perhaps buy something from someone they trust, that they have a relationship with and who has already supplied them with good quality, relevant help and information.

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