Wednesday 3 July 2013

How to Improve Your Blog Readership Tremendously

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Our blog is our online identity that tells everything about us to our readers. Publishing content is not the main thing. The thing that reflects which type of blogger we are is our behavior with readers. If we fail to feel their needs, then no doubt our hard work will go into vain. We will lose our valuable readers and also fail to achieve our blogging goals for sure. I am trying to grab your attention on one of the main thing in blogging success that is Readership.

We can't expect to get desire results from our blogging if we neglect to build solid readership around our blog.

In one of my earlier posts, I had discussed a solid way to increase your blog readership but that was based only a single factor that is 'Round Up of Posts' but today we'll discuss about some solid factors that can do wonders to improve readership of any blog.

Tips To Increase Readership of Your Blog

This post is not based on any trick. We have to work on some major factors to increase our blog traffic and to interact with existing readers that always help us maintain a solid readership around our blog.
If we become able to gain visitors trust, then no doubt they will surely become our reader hence high readership. :)
Below are some best ways to attract readers towards our blog.

Write Content For Readers Not For Search Engines

write quality content
Many blog owners focus on updating their blog to get high ranking in search engines. They forget to maintain their post quality. They think that only updating blog regularly is the "success of key".
Without knowing the readers need, they just publish content on any topic they like to write.
But this is not the correct way of blogging. Blogging means to help others. Try to hear your reader's voice about their needs and provide them valuable content.
Stop writing content only for search engines. Start writing to help your readers and build strong relationships with them. They will appreciate your work and become your regular reader.

Become Active on Social Media Sites

social media presence
No doubt that social media sites have the potential to contribute in blog success. There are millions of targeted audience there that we need to read and to share our content.
If you are not participating in social media sites like facebook, twitter, Google plus etc, then you are really missing a huge audience that can support you amazingly in achieving your blogging goals.
Sharing links on social media sites is not enough. Try to be active there and interact with other bloggers in your niche. In that way you will not only introduce yourself among the list of bloggers but also gain valuable readers for your blog.

3# Build Relationships With Your Readers

build blog readership
Building strong relations with our readers is must to maintain. They are those people who help us to grow our blog.
We always try to gain more and more new readers to our blog but we forget our existing readers.
We should always try to build solid relationships with our readers. If you are not interacting with them, then change your blogging strategies now and be a smart blogger.
Smart blogger means start interacting with your readers by appreciating their presence on your blog.
Try every possible way to make them happy after landing on your blog. Solve their all queries and encourage them to leave valuable comments on your blog.
This process, one day, will give you a unbreakable readership for your blog.

Build and Join Communities

blog communities
There are lot of bloggers, into your niche, who are making use of blog communities to interact with each other. They used to share their views and experience to gain other's trust towards their blog.
Blog communities are also a great place to find royal readers for our blog.
Start building community for your blog and join other's community too and participate there to increase the value of communities.
Share your experience in the form of valuable content and no doubt you will get really targeted audience for your blog.
You can start with facebook groups. Create a group for your blog and add members into it. Join other's group and share your content there.

There are lot of valuable and trustworthy blogging communities that you can join. Simply make a search on Google and start participating there.


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